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Robots Live! - National Space Center, Leicester - 17th/18th May 2008

Blast off to destruction !

After a 2hr drive, I arrived at the space center, to see, for the first time, the Robot's Live arena actually up and ready ! Ok, it was a half size arena, but still :P
During this event I was split between the antweights in one room and the Featherweights with Robot's Live in another, but thankfully Peter Waller kept the antweights running whilst I was running Satanix.
During my last fight of the weekend, I lost one wheel, and I became fodder for the House robot, Battle-Axe, and proceeded to getting my aluminium lid bashed in!

During the second day, the antweights were joined by Socrates Christidis and his son Andre, and their 3 ants, wANTed, Paratrooper and Zak.
I was very pleased with how Baby Hell and Stewie performed over this weekend, stopping only to charge batteries, and to unjam Baby Hell's wheels :P
Another event done, and onto the home of the Rams, Derby, for the next one...

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