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Guildford Summer Party - 17th June 2007

With no robot, I sat back and enjoyed the destruction...

After the motor burn out in Northampton I had to go back to being a spectator for this event, but what an event!
I joined the roboteers for a beer and a barbeque the night before the event, with a nice freindly atmosphere, and even some birthday cake, celebrating Roaming Robots' 4th birthday! May they carry on for another 4 years :)
I also found at this event something I didn't know before: I don't like sleeping in a tent :P
At the event, it was all go, with myself, Ed wallace (Turbulence, DB5) and Mike Onslo (Plunderbird 1-5) attemping to fix a robot built the night before, and in doing so, lending half of Hell's Angel's parts out to Antony (the bots builder). It did run, and went in a fight, where it was promptly flipped by the floor flipper....and disintergrated! Thankfully Marco Robert's (Monolith, Red Dave) robot vaccum cleaner was also in the arena :)
All in all, great fun!

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