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Antweight World Series 25 - Eindhoven, Holland - 5th April 2008

Antweights take to holland and the home of PSV Eindhoven for some mass robot destruction!

After a long bus trip, and a battle with customs, we finally arrive in sun..err.. rainy Eindhoven, where we were picked up by Leo Van Meirt, of Hanibalito, Obsidian and Kajuscha fame.
Due to Leo not being able to fit us all in, I voulenteered to sit in the back of the van on a HW robot cradle :P
The day did not start well for Team Hell, with Baby Hell and Stewie being knocked out early in the non spinner combat, and F.I.N decideding, dispite his fantastic re-built by Josh Valman, not to work properly, and so was hastilly removed from the competition.
Stewie, armed with his new drive and flipper, went into his first match against Antlifter, who was quickly dispatched by the flipper. Good Start :)
Baby Hell's first opponent was a no-show, but later took on a 'feminised' Pants, driven (and decorated) by Beth Ayldward. My bad driving ended up with me commiting suicide and driving off the edge. Oops
My next fight with Stewie was against the vertical Spinner Boo, whom I had beaten with Stewie's previous incarnation, but now both ants were improved. After much avoiding the disc, I managed to get in behind Boo and push him towards the wall where I flipped him out of the arena!
Baby Hell's next oppoent was a familier looking machine, namely Josh Valman's 'Pop' with no flipper, which had been painted green and lent to a young German roboteer named Glenn, and he's called it 'Mr Gr33n'. I was bested, and was shoved out of the arena on the front wedgeof Mr Green. Exit Baby Hell from AWS 25...
Stewie on the other hand, was progressing well, and had to fight the 2 time AWS champion Dynamite, with much aprehension on my part. The first fight was too close to call, as I managed to flip Dynamite up, and pushed him towards the edge, but as I did we both fell off the side of the arena together, and a re-match was called. The second fight had me on the backfoot, as Dynamite shoved me sideways towards the drop, but I did a swift right turn and Dynamite was left pushing thin air and drove off the arena!

Stewie's next opponent was the bot that helped to knock out Baby Hell earlier; the feminised 'Pants' driven by Bethany. However, Stewie was a little more prepared for Pants than BH was, and after 2 flips, Pants was hung out to dry, lol.
My next fight was to be too much for Stewie, as I took on the swedish flipper, Flippt!, and after a lot of tactical driving, I was overturns and promptly removed from the arena.
1 life left, and Icouldn't be beaten again if I wanted the title, and one thing stood in my way to the final: Gross Incompetance.
No! I'm not incompetant, its my opponent's robot! :)
The battle was quickly bought to a tipping point, literally, as Stewie was flipped over and perched on the edge of the arena, but after much rolling and flipping, I managed to free myself and go on the offensive, under pressure of which, Gross Incompetance drove off the edge, giving me a place in the final!
But the title was not meant for me today. After only 12 seconds  I had been scooped up and thrown out of the arena by Flippt!, the new AWS champion!
All in all, a great day for Team Hell, one that i'll cherish.
And off we all went for Pizza. Mmmmmmm, Salami Pizza.....

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