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Roaming Robots - Guildford - 15th June 2008

Down to Surrey for the roboteers summer party, and Roaming Robots' 6th birthday

After a leisurly trip down to the Guildford Spectrum, I met up with the other roboteers, and those of us who wanted to make idiots of ourselves took to the ice, and by some miracle I stayed on my skates the entire time, unlike Pete and Shane (Team Tilly) and Matt (Team Mayhem). After Pete's little slip up, poor Sienna (Roaming Robots director Jonno's daughter) won't want to go near the ice for a long time !
After an aching skate, we all went to the bowling alley, where a lot of us were shown up at the hands of Wendy (Tiny Toon) and Jack Lewis (7 years old!) and Mrs Lewis (Smash)!

After the afternoons fun, we started setting up the arena the next morning, ready for the afternoon's shows.
Satanix, fully recovered from its bruising encounter with Little Hitter, was in the first competition fight, and, once again, my driving let me down, as I pushed Shockwave into the pit, and accidently followed him down! That was me out of the contest.
I was busy with fixing Satanix's gearbox to go into many of the other whiteboards, it was, however, ready to go into the Tanja memorial fight, under the control of Hannah Barber from Team Barbaric Response.
Hannah managed to keep Satanix running the entire battle, which was impressive as so many fell by the wayside, and that it was her first time driving a robot. The fight was eventually decided to have been won by Mini Mighty Mouse, driven by Luke from the Hydra team, mainly due to the fact he managed to immobilise the hulking great House Robot, Major Damage!

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