Onto Round 2 where Team Hell had to fight for its life.
First, I was due to fight Josh Valman's 'Pop', but due to a serious motor issue, he was unable to compete.
Stewie had a chance to redeem itself against Steve Bracewell's Pushy, but after a calamatous driving error Stewie ended
up down the ditch of its own accord, and that ended Stewie's run in AWS26. Very, very disapointing.
Further to my disapointment was Baby Hell's fight against Oliver's Private Iron, who I tried to out-manuever but to no
avail and was thusly turned over and out.
My next fight was with Devil's Buddy who had drawn Variant, but we were thankfully spared the spinning blade, and fought
the lifter version, but both Buddy and LD were turned over, Unable to selfright, and was out of the competition.
So my only hope layed with Baby Hell, who's next fight was against the new Bling-blingin' ant from Bethany (Team Beligerant),
Shadow. After some horredous driving on my part and some better driving on Bethany's part, I was put into the ditch, and out
of AWS 26.
It wasn't the end of the day for me, as I still had the Tag Team and Fleaweights to do.
So, into the fleas, and my first fight was against my cluster half, Buddy, who was eventually turned over and couldn't
self right.
My next fight had me against Pete Waller's fleaweight spinner, Fleabite, with who I knew I would have trouble, and sure
enough, my scoop was torn off, and a short while later, one of my wheels stopped working, and Fleabite was declared the winner,
and eventually the overall winner after beating Buddy.
Onto the Tag Team with Joacim's Flippt! and Baby Hell, and, somehow, we managed to win 4 matches in a row to become the
Tag Team Winners!
Overall, not the best of events for Team Hell, but I at least ended on a high note with the Tag Team.
Back to the workshop for me...